Dec 23, 2014 | Blogging, Podcasting Experiments, Semester 2
If you are blogging, you are likely wanting to create a conversation with your readers. A great way to do this is utilizing a comment system. Why you may not want comments There are some cases where you may not desire to have comments. There are some thought leaders...
Dec 17, 2014 | Blogging, Podcasting Experiments, Semester 2
We all have an inner-editor that can help us improve the quality and flow of our writing. But, there is tremendous value in having someone else take some time to edit your work. Today, Jim Woods joins us to talk about editing, and his experience on both sides of the...
Dec 12, 2014 | Blogging, Podcasting Experiments, Semester 2, Strategies
As we dive further into blogging, we are going to look specifically at the content itself. Utilizing some of the ideas from the previous session (looking at search engine optimization), there are several key areas that we need to look at regarding our content....
Dec 3, 2014 | Podcasting Experiments, Semester 2, Strategies, Website
In this episode, Ilya Fainstein joins us to share his tips regarding Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You can contact Ilya on his website. SEO is basically sending out a proper signal to the search engines so they can interpret what your website is about, make a...
Nov 26, 2014 | Blogging, Podcasting Experiments, Semester 2, Website, WordPress
After a break, we are finally opening up the second semester of the Creative Studio Academy! I will be talking about the platform for your website and some of the basic settings that are often overlooked. Before that, though… At the end of last semester, I...
Oct 21, 2014 | Podcasting Experiments, Semester 1
Over the past 3 months, we have covered several things regarding content creation. From blogging to podcasting, websites to marketing. Further below, you’ll be able see the list of the 20 sessions so far. With that, we will be having a short break. We’ll...