Dec 12, 2014 | Blogging, Podcasting Experiments, Semester 2, Strategies
As we dive further into blogging, we are going to look specifically at the content itself. Utilizing some of the ideas from the previous session (looking at search engine optimization), there are several key areas that we need to look at regarding our content....
Dec 3, 2014 | Podcasting Experiments, Semester 2, Strategies, Website
In this episode, Ilya Fainstein joins us to share his tips regarding Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You can contact Ilya on his website. SEO is basically sending out a proper signal to the search engines so they can interpret what your website is about, make a...
Oct 9, 2014 | Leadership, Podcasting, Podcasting Experiments, Semester 1, Strategies
This session features Alex Barker, host of the Leadership Dojo podcast. We first met on (I would highly recommend this great community). A few months ago, Alex made a decision to stop the podcast, despite some of the successes it was achieving. We’ll...
Oct 1, 2014 | eLearning, Podcasting Experiments, Semester 1, Strategies, Video
Jeff Long joins us today to share some things that we can learn to help with eLearning and online training. He provides help with eLearning (as well as video production and web design) at True Focus Media. You can also connect with him on Twitter. What is eLearning...
Sep 24, 2014 | Podcasting, Podcasting Experiments, Semester 1, Strategies
In this session, Joel and Dr. Pei from The Relaunch Show join us to share their experience with radio and podcasting. Joel has a history with radio and television. Back in 2006, he started a radio show, Finding Your Voice. He also has a book with the same name. The...
Sep 16, 2014 | eBooks, Podcasting Experiments, Semester 1, Strategies
Jim Woods and Erik J. Fisher have co-authored another book, Hit the Mark! Their first book, Ready, Aim, Fire!, was released last year. In this session, they join us to talk about the creative process they went through. How did the collaboration process work while...