Jul 25, 2014 | Networking, Podcasting Experiments, Semester 1, Social Media
Matt McWilliams blogs about life, leadership, and changing the world. Through the years, he has learned and used some great principles for networking. He shares some of that today. You can connect with Matt on his website or on Twitter. Why is working on our...
Jul 23, 2014 | Podcasting, Podcasting Experiments, Semester 1
Daniel J. Lewis is the host of the podcast “The Audacity to Podcast” and is a podcast consultant. He has also developed several great tools for podcasters. You can check out his website or connect with him on Twitter. How did you get started with blogging...
Jul 21, 2014 | Podcasting, Podcasting Experiments, Semester 1
Jared Easley, the host of the popular podcast “Starve the Doubts,” joins us today to share his tips regarding researching and interviewing people. He shares about his show format and some of his processes. He is also one of the co-founders of the Podcast...
Jul 18, 2014 | Podcasting Experiments, Semester 1, Website
Greg Hickman is the host of the Mobile Mixed Marketing Podcast. He is here today to talk about the importance of putting mobile first as we create content. Greg got started in mobile in 2005, and saw that there was a great opportunity. He also has the Mobile Check out...
Jul 17, 2014 | Podcasting Experiments, Semester 1, Website, WordPress
1. Website Hosting You can’t have a website without hosting it on some server. You could buy and maintain your own server, but that can take a lot of skill, time, and money. When it comes to getting a hosting service, there are a couple options: Shared hosting...
Jul 16, 2014 | Blogging, Podcasting, Podcasting Experiments, Semester 1
Mark Sieverkropp has been a friend and co-host on another podcast. He started off blogging a few years ago, with topics such as soccer, leadership, and now more on networking. He has also written the e-book, “Project:Success.” He has also been the co-host...